Monday, January 7, 2013

The first, but certainly not the best.


I've created a blog.  What for?  Who knows.  I have yet to figure out how my mind works.  Perhaps that's what this is about.  Trying to determine what I'm thinking and where my thoughts are taking me.  This is a universe of thought.  It's much bigger than the actual universe, and it's much easier to travel in.  No cars or spaceships needed here. I'm only limited by the imagination in my brain, and I'm pretty imaginative.  This much is clear:

Facts are, just that, facts.  Indisputable.
Ideas are not facts.  They are just random thoughts that people have.
You need ideas before you can have facts.  Every fact started out as someone's idea.

I now just need to determine if my ideas are in fact, facts.  That is the hard part.  Most ideas are crazy thoughts that pass through your mind at the most inopportune time and you don't have time to think about them and most are dismissed out of thought, without a thought.  So most thoughts are thoughtless thoughts.  How do you keep thoughts from becoming afterthoughts?

I'm going to keep working on that.  Part of this is to write down those thoughts that come to me, and make sure that I don't loose any ideas, not even the trivial ones, because sometimes those are the best ones.  And if I lose ideas, maybe I just lost the fact that changes how the world works.

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